Prison Break Is Ending
C. Hodes / Fox

It's official. Prison Break is coming to an end.

"Prison Break had a hell of a run, but the run has ended," Fox president Kevin Reilly just told reporters at the TV Critics Press Tour. "This will be the last year of the show."

The news was somewhat expected, given the four-year-old series' downturn in the ratings this season. However, according to Reilly, the decision was made from a creative standpoint. "The show has just played out. You get to a point creatively where you feel all the stories have been told, and you want to end strong and not gimp out in the end of the season."

So exactly how many more episodes will we get? And what about a movie?

"We've got our remaining batch of four episodes, and there are a couple more they're contemplating."

Those "couple more" hours could possibly be presented as a TV movie, as Fox did with 24 earlier in the season with 24: Redemption.

"It just got down to the point where a lot of the stories have been told, but they'll go out strong," Reilly told reporters.

I asked Reilly if producers have a specific game plan for the end, and he replied: "They have a really cool ending, actually. I know where they end, and it's a hell of an idea."

Meanwhile, good news for Fringe fans: Reilly said he has no plans to pull the plug. "It's a keeper," Reilly told reporters. "I don't think there was a tougher time period than Tuesdays at 9 p.m. Even though Fringe had a lead-in, they had to perform every week—and they did. If you follow the show week to week, you won’t be disappointed."

Are you sad to see Prison Break go, or is Fox making the right call? Also, can any of you fans offer a shoulder for shirtless Wentworth to cry on? Thought so...

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