You mess with the grizzly, you get the claws.

In new interview footage of Sarah Palin released on YouTube this week, the Alaska governor gets not only folksy but downright forceful in unleashing her opinions on the two women most responsible for molding her less-than-flattering public persona, calling out both Katie "What newspapers do you read?" Couric and doppelgänger extraordinaire Tina Fey.

Palin was interviewed in her Wasilla home for conservative filmmaker John Ziegler's new documentary How Obama Got Elected, and claimed that Couric and Fey spent election season not only "exploiting" her but "capitalizing" on her sudden fame.

Not that Palin herself was without fault.

The politico admitted that while she knew after her first session with Couric that the interview "didn't go well," she was forced by those "in that upper echelon of power brokering in the media…to go back for more." She said she was quite aware that the move "was not a wise decision."

Palin went on to say that she never watched the interview as it was broadcast—or, as she puts it, as CBS "spliced it together"—but she did seem to finally have an answer, sort of, for why she chose not to disclose her reading list.

"Because, Katie, you're not the center of everybody's universe."

As for Fey, Palin was shown a clip of the in-character comic saying on Saturday Night Live that marriage was meant to be "a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers."

Palin responded by saying that "the mama grizzly rises up in me" when such comments are made about her daughter Bristol.

"I did see that Tina Fey was named entertainer of the year and Katie Couric's ratings have risen…That's a little bit perplexing, but it also says a great deal about our society."

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